A World Like Never-Never Land

Saturday, January 05, 2008

Term (2)

Today, 6th of January 2008, is supposed to be the beginning of the second term at my skool. I'm kinda having the 'butterflies' feeling but in a different way. One thing I really hate about myself is FEAR OF FAILURE. I mean even if I fail, it IS still a learning experience ..isn't it? I guess its normal to feel like a lousy teacher, I hope it is. But above all, I think my greatest success of my first academic year will be learning how to love my students from all my heart. And I'm still hoping for more "successes" !! So for this semester, I have new goals. I'll try to make it brief, simple, and realistic!!

First, achieve at least 50% of the IEP goals that I set for my students.

Second, focus on teaching, teaching, teaching, and ONLY teaching.

Third, avoid distractions.

Fourth, improve the physical environment of my classroom.

Fifth, use PECS effectively.

and thats it!!

Another idea came up ..I think its gonna be useful for me *professionaly* to create another blog and discuss ONLY my day to day adventures with my students. It would give me a chance later to compare between their performance and behavior throughout time. I also want to activate the comments option and maybe share my experiences with other individuals instead of just keeping it to myself. This might be the first step towards 'spreading awareness' about special education and people with special needs. Not like I'm the EXPERT, but its always useful to relate to my short, but rich, experience in this field!

Anyways, I really miss my four children and CAN'T WAIT to give them the huge-est biggest hug of the year.