A World Like Never-Never Land

Friday, April 06, 2007


Eleven hours of sleeping. Thats just what I needed after such a long week!!!!!

I've been feeling so guilty about not working on my capstone project. How on earth am I expected to work on it when I reach home after school in a horrible condition of physical exhaustion. I think I'll have to start redbulling in order to stay awake and use my time in something productive.

School: Things are going pretty well. After my holiday is over, I'll have around five weeks left. Can't believe it. I'm already missing my children. Its weird how I directly notice if one child is missing in my class. It makes a difference! I need to plan stuff for three lessons after the holiday, and I really wana make it impressive. Its gonna be about the letter Z, and the number 10. Hmmm, I think I'll use songs, stories, a poster for the letter Z. Maybe blocks to count with the children. I should make up story cards for the "story sequencing", and come up with questions to ask the children about their holiday. And the last thing is an idea for the phonics review. Thats of course besides my capstone project.

One thing touched me the other day in school. There was this little boy in the playground who was building a tower out of blocks. He was so into his work, having a peaceful time. Then five of the children in his class came running from a distance targetting his tower. They pushed it and started kicking the blocks on the little boy. It took me a while before I realized I'm supposed to help him, but the boys were too strong for me to hold. Thats when their teacher interefered. But it was too late. It happened once, twice, and for a third time. In those three times he accepted the kids apology and asked them VERY politely to please becareful again! The scene broke my heart. He was too petitte to be respected by his peers. He was too nice to be listened to. Its amazing how children's personalities are shaped at such a young age. We always think that they are "only" little kids. They'll grow and forget. They're not. Everything happens in their childhood impacts their lives as grown ups. Every single thing.

Another thing happened when the T.A.'s were sitting together having a conversation about some local mother. They were questioning her intentions behind giving a golden ring, earings, and a necklace to one teacher for her birthday. The conversation made me very angry, coz they didn't want to understand that in our culture "gifts" are a totally different case! The Iranian teacher kept on saying "we come from the same culture"....Excuse me....But people in Dubai are different than whatever culture she's talking about.

Anyways, did I mention how much I'm in love with the children's Music lessons?! They are so much fun!!! Yesterday I took the children to their Music class and guess what? They were learning the Chickie Dance =") !!! Flashbacks made me silent as I was watching them dance in such an adorable way lol It reminded me of the kids who were dancing with me seventeen years ago. There were the ones who had no idea about whats going on. The ones who were crying out loud as they saw their mommies. The ones who were waving so hard and smiling to the audience. And ofcourse, the ones who made their teacher proud! Then I was like "you know what? Maybe I should try out the moves again!"... I think I was even more excited than the kids were lol *Mizzy, you should've practiced it with me*

Never-ending stories.